Monday, June 27, 2011

Amazing Customer

Every customer is wonderful naturally but some go beyond that to *amazing*.

A lady in California who has ordered a number of posts for herself and at least one relative has beautiful handwriting. I noticed this some years ago when she sent a video to me. The address label with my name, etc. was a work of art that I framed and still have on display.

After she ordered a cork post recently, she liked it to the point that she sent some tasty preserves and sweetbreads in return. Very kind of her. She also sent a note about the Cork Natural Scratch that I scanned and put on my Web site at

Have a look, JanYce is amazing.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Writer And Cat-Scratching Post Designer

Way before I designed and began marketing Natural Scratch, I was a writer and in fact my primary income since 1984 has resulted from freelance work.

In recent years, I have begun writing feature pieces and have been fortunate enough to have several published.  Please see for samples.

Recently, I completed a story about clever songs that I titled simply "Witty Songs."

Twenty-one are featured and each one includes a video or mp3 files of the song performed.  I invite you to have a look at

Monday, June 13, 2011

Three's Not A Crowd

Our three cats have interesting ways of relating to one another. In the attached photo, Leo, 10, is the white cat, GEM, 10, is the calico, and Twinkles, 16, is the tiger stripe.

Gem's a female who tends to be closer to Leo than Twinkles; Leo and Twinkles are very close and often sleep together.

We have three cat beds in the living room so they don't have to sleep together if they don't want to. They also have the run of the house so there are many other places that they can and do curl up.

The attached photo shows something that I have only observed one time--the three of them curled up together. I took the shot but the flash was turned off so the focus is soft.

I posted the photo at and came up with a tongue-in-cheek caption.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Another Happy Natural Scratch Customer

Last week a couple in Texas ordered two Natural Scratch cedar Seconds for a group of about eight cats they had rescued. 

After the posts arrived, the husband called to tell me how happy they were with Natural Scratch because within hours of the posts being assembled, a number of the cats were clawing them.

Calls and e-mails like that always make my day.